Saturday 23 December 2017

Trump denies saying Nigerians live in huts and Haitians have aids

- Trump denies saying Nigerians live in huts and Haitians have aids
- Most of the official present at the meeting said they couldn't remember Trump saying such
Yesterday, the internet went agog when it reported that the US pres. Donald Trump said Nigerians live in huts and Haitians have aids.
Well, information reaching out, revealed the Whitehouse has come out to deny ever making such statement.
According to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is the White House Press Secretary, she denied the story which was released by known news outfit, New York Times claims about President Donald Trump statement.
Sanders said people like General Kelly, General McMaster, Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Nielsen and all other senior staff, who were actually in the meeting deny the president ever said such.
She further said, it was sad that a recognized News media like NYT would print the lies from their anonymous sources.
The Times in it own feature Yesterday, had cited six officials who were either there or who were briefed on the meeting in its report.
According to Times sources, they said that on the day in question, Pres. Trump stormed into the Oval Office with ‘sheets of papers’ which revealed how many immigrants had been allowed into the US since he took office and from the look on his face Trump was angry and made derogatory remarks about the nations on the list.
While going through the list, Trump said of the 40,000 Nigerian immigrants who had been granted entry will ‘never go back to their huts in Africa’ now that they had seen the United States.'
However, most of the people present at the meeting revealed they can't remember the President making such statement.

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